Travel makes you modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world – Gustave Flaubert

It’s never easy to resist the urge to purchase that brand new iPhone, or snazzy watch or to pick up the latest designer outfit. While yes material wealth is important and makes for a comfortable lifestyle, much research has proved that spending on experiences rather than things results in more overall happiness. To me, travel yields more joy that any material gift can ever give.

It makes you more interesting: Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro, hot air ballooning in Cappadocia, crossing the Sahara desert, safari in Kenya, beach vacationing in the Caribbean or savoring on cheese and wine high up in the Alps. Imagine the interesting stories and adventures you have to share with your friends and family, taking them around the world with your travels. People will always be more interested in your travels than the features of your latest iPhone and no one can ever take these experiences away from you.

Long after I’m back, when the suitcase is put away, clothes are washed and life gets back to normal, the memories continue to linger: the highs from a spontaneous conversation with a stranger in a bar, the giggles from broken sentences in a foreign language, the pleasure of a delicious meal and the awkwardness of holding a map as I find my way in a new town.

Broadens your horizon:
Travelling provides you with an opportunity to experience different cultures, and traditions, meet people from all walks of life and broadens your knowledge. Who knows you may find your special someone on one of your travels.

Solo travel forces me to chat up strangers, share a cup of tea with the locals, giving me some of the most interesting experiences I’ve ever had. The feeling of connect with an absolute stranger in Cardiff, the joy of discovering an offbeat location in Germany, the thrill of gorging on a delicious and cheap meal in Spain, the awe of waking up to the beauty of the Scottish highlands and the excitement of receiving a love letter in the heart of the medina in Morocco gives me a high none else equals.

You will become more independent:
Living in hostels, planning your itinerary, locating new places using a map, trusting complete strangers, undoubtedly makes you more independent and prepared for life.

Solo travel which I absolutely enjoy and would recommend you try at least once, offers me the challenge of facing unknown situations, pushes me beyond boundaries making me rely heavily on common sense and gut instinct. With a life so well-manicured and planned to the minutest details, it isn’t often that we truly let go and let destiny sit in the driver’ seat.

Travel forces me to go beyond limitations, making me feel strong and vulnerable at the same time. It make me feel alive again!

Brinelle Lobo