It’s Time to Plan-it E Again!


Did I just hear you say…“No one cares about the environment today?” Well, then St. Teresa’s Institute of Education is the green hub that you need to make a quick dash to on 16th/17th November 2019. Well into its fourth year, this festival currently enjoys the golden status of the FIRST-EVER and ONLY environment based festival in Mumbai attracting participation from an increasing number of schools and colleges year on year.

As Principal Dr Sr. Tanuja Waghmare on behalf of the Management proudly puts it, “Planit-E is the green jewel in the crown of St. Teresa’s Institute of Education”. With her dynamic ensemble of motivated and resourceful faculty, Planit-E takes on newer dimensions on the environmental landscape each year. The event is totally sponsored by a number of leading NGOs and brands. Come one; come all to the “Go Green ball!‟ From head, hand and heart to Ed-talks and art, from skills of expression (Choral recitation and Debates) to eco-fashion (Ads and Fashion show), from performing street plays to penning essays, from crooning models (Jingles) to working models (Projects) and more…….there’s loads of fun and prizes galore!!!

So if you’ve got the talent, S.T.I.E is the place and Planit-E is the moment to come and prove your mettle. You may just enter as a rock star and walk away as a superstar with a trophy for your school/college. The fest commences with an inaugural function at 8:30 am on 16th November 2019 followed by a host of competitions lined up for each of the 2 days. There are 3 trophies being awarded for the 3 best schools and colleges across the Metropolitan. Dr. Giselle D’souza, Organising Secretary who conceptualized the festival shares, “Watching the campus glisten in shades of emerald and jade at the fest every year, makes me believe that the future of the planet is safely vested in the hands of empowered youth who dream green and have a gamut of innovative ideas to save Planet Earth!”

The green highlight of the festival this year will be the participation and special stage performances by students with special needs. Indeed Planit-E is an umbrella beneath which the student fraternity and experts from different walks of life unite in harmony towards a common dream of reminiscing and reviving the story of creation!

For more info on Planit-E, you can visit their Instagram and Facebook page.