Celebrating the Legacy of Sir Sydney Alexander at Celebration Cup 2023


The Celebration Cup 2023 organized by Companeroes Sports Club was a tremendous success and a fitting tribute to Sir Sydney Alexander. The event achieved its goal of reconnecting the current generation of players with the stalwarts of the club who knew Sir Sydney during a different era. By bringing together ex, current, and future players, the event provided a platform for sharing stories, memories, and experiences from the club’s rich history.

The team names chosen for the tournament, such as Yellow Submarines, 13 A, No Fitness Boys, Not on Time Boys, No Practice Boys, and Supari Talao Boys, reflect the influence and impact Sir Sydney had on the club. These names served as reminders of his presence and the values he instilled in the players. It’s heartening to know that the younger players had the opportunity to listen to stories and anecdotes from the past, gaining a deeper understanding of the club’s heritage.

Leroy, one of the ex-players who participated in the event, must have been thrilled to reconnect with his old teammates and share stories with the current generation. His recollection of playing in muddy conditions at Goan sports matches at Cooperage, and triumphs against top teams must have been captivating for everyone present. Kayzin’s mention of checking with Sydney about which game to play, football or hockey, adds a personal touch and highlights the bond between the players and their mentor.

The tournament itself seems to have been a perfect blend of fun and competitiveness. The great goals, insightful commentary, and entertaining comments from spectators added to the overall enjoyment of the event. It’s remarkable that despite his knee injury, Igor Pinto captained his team, 13 A, to victory by playing in goal. His determination and leadership exemplified the spirit of the club and must have made Sir Sydney proud.

The success of the Celebration Cup 2023 sets the stage for it to become an annual event, ensuring that Sir Sydney’s legacy and the values he stood for are honoured and celebrated every year. The organizers deserve kudos for their efforts in planning and executing the event flawlessly, creating a fitting tribute that Sydney would have been proud of.

Overall, the Celebration Cup 2023 was a remarkable occasion filled with fun, laughter, skilful games, and a strong sense of camaraderie. It captured the essence of what Companeroes and Sir Sydney stood for playing hard, playing fair, maintaining the spirit of sportsmanship, and, above all, having fun. The event demonstrated the unity and family-like bond among the club members, making it a fitting celebration of Sir Sydney’s life.