5 reasons you shouldn’t miss the Jive & Rock n Roll Social Dancing Night

  1. Socialize & make new friends.
  2. Renew old friendship.
  3. De-stress after long day.
  4. Create awesome memories to cherish always.
  5. Just chill and have a great time.

Join Mumbai Jivesters for an enchanting evening of social dancing at Bandra’s newest party venue.

Inviting those who love to jive on anything & everything, to your favorite songs. We will play other styles of partner dance too. Come alone or with a partner or in a group. SMART CASUALS.

When: 11th October 2018
Timings: 9.30pm until 11.55pm
Where: Aawara Hoon, Hotel King Palace, 538, opp. Vijay Sales, Khar West, Mumbai 400052
Contact: 9820344010
Entry/Cover: Rs 300 per head (Rs 250 fully redeemable + 50 entry)