Fate of Carter Road Promenade undecided


Hi there, remember I made you walk, jog, ride, keeping that bulge away from your body. Not to mention your four-legged baby needs a stroll every day and I’m at your rescue. When you want your cheeks to be massaged by the fresh breeze – you think of me when your eyeballs want to adore a magnificent sunset – you think of me when your mind needs some peace and all you want to see is the sea – you think of me. Guess who am I? I came to this beautiful world in January 2002 and I’m frequented by almost every Bandraite. Bang on, most of you would have got it right – I’m that beachside promenade sitting not so quietly on the shore of Arabian Sea – your one and only: Carter Road Promenade.

So, are you thinking about what happened to me? Why I’m writing to you today? Well, as it turns out 2020 is a year full of surprises and for me, it’s no different. I was been looked after by Bandra West Residents Association (BWRA) since my birth but recently we had to part ways. BWRA had a maintenance agreement with my biological parent – Mumbai Maritime Board (MMB) which expired on 30th June 2020. 

“Even diamonds start out as coal”. It’s true, isn’t it? Most of you won’t know that back in the 1990s a ship named MV Zhen Don was grounded off at Carter Road and the plan was to convert it into a floating hotel. The then Bandraites wanted to preserve their precious coastline and moved to court to win the battle. I was virtually a dumping ground then but with the help of Mumbai Waterfronts Centre and well-known architect PK Das, I’m what I’m today – standing long and strong in front of you.

Are you thinking that if I’m sad? Yes, I’m. Won’t you feel desolated if you had to walk away from someone who’s with you from decades? Well, I’m not complaining. I’m blessed to be surrounded by my well-wishers and I’m sure you’re one of them. 

Few of my well-wishers are in action making sure that I don’t lose my functionality and am at your service always. When this news started spilling out, media people reached out to those close to me and this is what they had to say:

Naaznin Husein, the trustee of BWRA, has been my long-term guardian and with a heavy heart, she mentions: “We had given notice to MMB in the month of March 2020 with our intention to discontinue the maintenance agreement. This is by no means is a sudden decision. With the recent renovation work carried out by MMB, the footfall to the promenade is increasing by the day thus also increasing maintenance costs. The 1.2 km long promenade has small pockets like the recently built skating rink, exercise zone, Children’s Park, Dog’s Park, Amphitheatre, Open Garden and all these zones need to be manned separately thus making it difficult for association to generate funds. Adding fuel to the fire are the rising concerns of the security especially during night time. There were drug peddlers in different areas of the promenade and thus having proper security is paramount. Hence, we thought the need of the hour is to hand the management of the promenade back to the MMB however we don’t mind staying in the background and functioning as a watchdog to ensure that our beloved promenade is safely operational.”

Asif Zakaria, Corporator of H-West Ward # 101, mentions: “BWRA is operating under the pump as it’s facing severe difficulties in maintaining the promenade especially after the promenade got its makeover by MMB who renovated the stretch by the means of carrying out civil works, lightning and horticulture works. If any type of laxity is shown in maintaining the promenade, then all this work will fall apart thus wasting taxpayer’s money. As BMC has the necessary expertise in maintaining open spaces like Marine Drive and Worli Sea Face so it will be in our best interests to hand over this responsibility to the apex civic body. I’ve written to the State Minister of Tourism, Aaditya Thackeray and Mumbai Municipal Chief, Iqbal Singh Chahal, to take over the maintenance of the promenade from MMB. However, temporarily BMC has taken up the responsibility to clean the promenade so that the local citizens can use the promenade without any hassle.” 

This is my story so far. I don’t know what will happen next as MMB is yet to make a decision if my maintenance will be handed over to BMC. I’m also waiting for the verdict to come out. Meanwhile, I and my well-wishers are making sure that I don’t give you any trouble. I’m still available when you want to get your cheeks massaged, I’m still available when you want to adore a magnificent sunset, I’m still available when you feel like talking to the sea. So please come over – I’m at your service always. But my friend, I would urge you to keep me clean and green so please don’t litter around as after all “We all are together in this”